Springboard Performance

Fluid Fest Halloween Cabaret | What Scares You

Presented by Springboard's Fluid Fest

Thursday Oct 31, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Fluid Halloween Cabaret | What Scares You

Cabaret appearances from the creepy and wonderful minds of creatives that inspire us. We invite artists to share what scares them, in an upside-down world of stranger things. But all hail this brilliance for creating moments that ooze horror and hijinks. Perhaps leave the lights on when you leave.

Artists' Line Up:

  • Zaria Rajha
  • Jocelyn Mah
  • Ebony Gooden
  • And More...

Right Hand Woman | Jocelyn Mah (Alberta)

Welcome to Jocelyn's Serious Contemporary Dance Solo! In this work, the artist aims to express her disdain for the patriarchy through durational, arm-wiggling movements. It's Halloween night; it's Jocelyn's first day of her period; the American Election looms ... nothing could go wrong, right?


  • Created and Performed by Jocelyn Mah

  • Voiceover by Tia Kushniruk, Jocelyn Mah and Mary Lou Ditta

  • Puppet design and construction by Hannah Fisher

  • Music courtesy of Free Music Archive

  • Thank you to Springboard Performance

Cauldron | Philip Geller

Double, double toil and trouble:
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

This show is made to fumble

The thoughts are new, all a-jumble

By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.

It is dirty scum

Tum tum, bum bum